
Covid-19 Guidelines

Dear Parents,

While I know this can be a fearful time since MOST of us never experienced this before, the staff at Les Petits Bilingues de New York are committed to providing a quality program that is safe, educational, child-friendly, and fun! Although many things will seem different with new procedures in place for the safety of all, this will still be an environment that fosters fun and learning. It is our goal to draw out and inspire the best in our students as we provide them with opportunities to create, explore, and learn. This handbook will lay out the changes for the COVID-19 pandemic. This situation is unprecedented and is constantly evolving, so all changes included in this handbook will remain as the “new normal” until further notice. We will make sure that all changes are realistic and feasible for staff and children by following CDC (Center for Disease Control) guidelines as well as those put forth by the DOH (Department of Health). Please be sure to read through this and sign and return the last page. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the policies and procedures that are outlined in this Parent Handbook. They are in place to ensure that Les Petits Bilingues is a safe and enjoyable place for your family.


Executive Director

A. Enrolling Your Child

Before enrolling any child, parents or guardians must schedule an appointment with the Director for a tour. Tours are after 6pm on weekdays and during the weekend to avoid any contact with the children. Upon the decision to enroll your child, parents or guardians will be provided with an application, tuition, financial agreement, all health and emergency forms, and a copy of our

In the event of the school being at its full capacity, we will place you on the wait list. You will be contacted by the Director when an opening becomes available.

B. Families

– Parents should wear a mask during pick up and drop off and maintain social distancing of 6 feetoutside the school.
– At this time no parents are permitted to enter while the children are in the school.
– Parents will bring an additional set of shoes to be used at the daycare exclusively.

C. Daily Health Screening

Children and staff will get their temperature taken on the porch upon arrival.
– For admittance, the temperature needs to be below 100.4 F
– Parents are required to answer the following screening questions:
. Have you experienced any COVID-19 symptoms in the past 14 days?
. Have you been tested positive for COVID- 19 in the past 14 days?
. Have you been in close contact with someone with a confirmed COVID- 19 case in the past 14 days?

D. Extra Hygiene Measures and Procedures

1. Hand washing: As soon as students and staff arrive at school, they will wash their hands properly. Hands will also be washed throughout the day and more frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Hand sanitizer will be used for our older children when soap and water are not available. Sanitizing stations are located throughout our facility.

2. Sanitizing/Disinfecting: All hard surfaces will be wiped down throughout the day, before and after use as well as at the end of each day. Any toys that go into a child’s mouth will be put into the disinfecting process like usual. All surfaces and toys will be sprayed prior to leaving the room throughout the day. All sensory bins, soft toys, pillows, dress-up clothes will be put away during this phase of opening. We have a professional janitorial company to clean and sanitize nightly as well.

3. Mask wearing: All staff members will be wearing a mask. Children are encouraged to do so. Windows and classroom doors will be left open to increase ventilation when weather permits

4. Social distancing: We have several classrooms that children are divided into throughout the day. During nap time the children will be staggered.

5. Personal belongings: While in this phase of operation, children may not bring in any personal belongings aside from what is approved. Pacifiers and one stuffed animal for nap time are allowed but must remain on site. No other toys or personal items from home will be permitted at this time.

6. Hand sanitizer: Hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol will be accessible in the school when hand washing is not available or practical.

7. Nap: Parents are required to provide 2 sheets and 1 blanket and must be brought home and laundered at the end of each week. Nap mats are labeled with the child’s name and are cleaned and sanitized everyday. Children will be placed head-to-toe while napping.

8. Outdoor: Outdoor education will be encouraged as much as possible. The playgrounds will be divided for class cohorts to play and learn outside as often as possible.

9. Classes: Classes will be limited to 10-15 children. The teacher will not be floating between classrooms.

10. Social distancing: We are using HIMAMA app for our daily reports. Currently, the teachers will do the sign in and out for the parents. During drop off time, the teacher will escort the children to wash hands and to their classroom. For dismissal, parents will line up 6 feet apart and children will be escorted to the entrance.

E. Admission/Exclusion due to symptoms of illness

Children and staff should stay home if they don’t feel well and should return to school if they are symptoms free after 48 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicine. Any member of the school community who begins to exhibit symptoms of illness during the school day will be immediately sent home. Adults will leave the premises and children will wait in a designated, isolated space for pick-up. All school families must have a “pick-up” plan predetermined. If a child/staff is showing COVID-19 symptoms (fever of 100.4 F or higher, cough, shortness of breath) OR if you’ve been in close contact with a person or child testing positive for COVID- 19, we ask you to stay home and keep your child home and the person displaying symptoms must be isolated for 14 days.

We ask that all parents and staff let us know of any potential exposure immediately. A potential exposure means being in contact or having close contact within 6 feet of an individual with confirmed or suspected COVID- 19 for at least 10 minutes. The timeframe for having contact with an individual includes the period of 48 hours before the individual became symptomatic. If there is a positive case of COVID-19 in a child or an adult who has been present in school, we will inform the DOH, CDC, and our parents while maintaining confidentiality.

• Inform those who have had close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 to stay
home and self-monitor for symptoms, and follow CDC guidance if symptoms develop.
• All children/staff sharing a room with the diagnosed COVID-19 person must enter a 14 day quarantine period and monitor for symptoms.
• Health officials will provide direction on whether a center should cease operations following the identification of a positive case in the facility.
• Child/staff member may not return to school without a note of clearance from their physician.

F. Cleaning and disinfecting after a Confirmed COVID-19 case

– Close off areas used by the persons with COVID-19 until after cleaning and disinfecting.
– Wait at least 24 hours before beginning cleaning and disinfecting to minimize potential for exposure to respiratory droplets.
– Open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in the area.
– Clean and disinfect all areas (e.g., offices, bathrooms, and common areas) used by the person(s) with COVID-19, focusing especially on frequently touched surfaces.

G. Fee and Payment Policy

Les Petits Bilingues de New York enforces the following policies and procedures for tuition payments:

1. All tuition is due by the 25th of each month regardless of sickness, behavioral/disciplinary removal, vacations, weather-related closings, or holidays (including Thanksgiving, Christmas, snow days and Summer Break), emergency-related closings mandated by the state/local government/DHS, like a pandemic.

H. Arrival and Departure Procedures

Our facility is operational from 8:00am – 6:00pm, Monday through Friday. If you see another family being checked in, please be patient during this time. 

I. Parties and Celebrations We will continue to celebrate your child’s birthday but please check with the Director in advance
with what your plans will be for that celebration. Children may only distribute pre-packaged treats as opposed to homemade.

Parent or Guardian COVID-19 Handbook Receipt Form

Parents or Guardians,
Please thoroughly review the Parent Handbook ”COVID-19” edition for the 2020- 2021 school year, which contains the policies and procedures for Les Bijoux de Miley. After reading the handbook, please complete this form and return it to the school via email as soon as possible. This form will be kept in your child’s file for the duration of the school year. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Onsite Provider
Les Bijoux de Miley

    I,(print your name), the parent/guardian of

    (print child’s name), hereby

    acknowledge receipt of Les Bijoux de Miley’s Parent Handbook COVID-19 edition. I have read

    and agree to adhere to all the policies and regulations set forth in this handbook.

    Parent/Guardian Signature:
